Credit Union Difference

We’re for You.

You are the credit union difference. We’re not for profit—we’re for you. Credit unions are not-for-profit financial cooperatives where people are worth more than money.

This outlook allows us to offer you services that no other financial institution can offer, all while serving you, the member. At Montana’s credit unions, the difference really is you.

You Own the Place

Credit unions are owned by their members. That means you call the shots. It means you have a say in how a major part of your life—your finances—are run. So rather than having to answer to corporate stockholders, we answer to our members.

We Were Built This Way

From day one, our bottom line has always been you. It’s how we were built. Credit unions are made up of people working together to achieve a better life for themselves and their community. They were organized to be not-for-profit cooperatives run by democratic principles—one member, one vote. It doesn’t matter whether you have an account with $20 or $20,000. Your vote counts the same as every other member.