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A Direct Line Blog

The Importance of Credit Union Advocacy: Engaging for a Stronger Future

June 12, 2024 7:30 am

By Karen Smith, MCU SVP, Chief Advocacy Officer

As directors of Montana’s credit unions, you understand the vital role we play in our communities. Our mission goes beyond financial services; it’s about people helping people. To continue this mission and ensure a thriving future, active participation in advocacy is essential.

The Value of Engaging in the Advocacy Process

Advocacy is more than just a buzzword; it’s a critical tool in safeguarding our interests and promoting the credit union difference. By engaging in the advocacy process, we ensure the voices of our members are heard at both state and federal levels. This involvement helps shape policies that protect and enhance the ability of credit unions to serve their communities effectively.

However, effective advocacy requires more than just understanding its importance. It demands dedicated champions.

Identifying Credit Union Advocacy Champions

We are encouraging Montana credit unions to identify someone from their team who is passionate about politics and the credit union difference to serve as your credit union’s Advocacy Champion. These Champions will play a pivotal role in strengthening the broader statewide credit union advocacy effort, serving as dedicated advocates within their credit unions. This is a fantastic opportunity to empower your staff and strengthen our collective advocacy capabilities.

Advocacy Champions will lead efforts to promote the credit union difference and represent their interests in the advocacy process. They will help mobilize support, educate members, and build relationships with lawmakers to ensure credit union voices are heard at both the state and federal levels. By actively engaging in advocacy efforts, Champions help shape policies that protect and enhance the ability of credit unions to serve their communities effectively.

Montana Primary Election Results

Engagement in the advocacy process also means staying informed about the political landscape. Montana’s primary elections were held on Tuesday, June 4 with voter turnout just over 40%. Our lobby firm has prepared an overview of the primary election results and matchups for the upcoming general election.

Together with the Credit Union Advocacy Champions, we’ll be better poised to engage with local lawmakers on outreach and relationship building purposes — educating them on the credit union difference and issues that are important to our movement.

You can find additional information on the 2024 Montana Election coverage.

By understanding the election outcomes and identifying key players, we can better strategize our advocacy efforts and build relationships with legislators who support the credit union movement.


As directors, your leadership in advocating for credit unions is invaluable. By engaging in the advocacy process and identifying Advocacy Champions within your team, we can ensure a robust future for all of Montana’s credit unions. Let’s work together to amplify our voices, influence positive change, and continue making a difference in the lives of our members.

Thank you for your commitment to Montana’s credit unions and for your continued support in our advocacy efforts. We look forward to your credit union’s participation and to working together to strengthen our collective impact.

Contact Karen at 406.324.7376 or with any questions about our MCU Advocacy strategy or events. 

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