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A Direct Line Blog

Making a Difference

November 29, 2023 7:30 am

The letter below from MCU President/CEO, Gerry Singleton, accompanied our dues invoices that were sent recently. We thought it was important for you, as board members, to see the message about the importance of affiliation and partnership. Feel free to contact Gerry if you have any questions, comments, or concerns.

As we approach the close of another year, we want to extend our sincere gratitude for your steadfast support and commitment to Montana’s Credit Unions. Your dedication to the credit union movement in Montana is a cornerstone of our community, and we deeply value your continued membership.

Montana’s credit unions, together with your Credit Union National Association (CUNA), state Leagues representing all 50 states and Washington, D.C., and nearly 5,000 credit unions across America, constitute a unified and unparalleled network. Together, we work tirelessly to advance the credit union movement, and your presence within it is essential. We are excited to join forces with America’s Credit Unions as they embrace the formation of the newly established national trade association.

Our collective mission is rooted in preserving independence, delivering high-quality products and services, and ensuring financial stability and growth. Key strategic components encompass advocacy, compliance, and education. Collaboration and partnerships, both within Montana and with credit union leagues nationwide, are pivotal in our journey to strengthen the movement. We place a strong emphasis on fostering a sense of camaraderie, shared values, and a family-like community among credit unions. Additionally, non-dues revenue generation and financial sustainability are crucial considerations.

To align with these objectives, Montana’s credit unions are focusing on maintaining independence, enhancing advocacy efforts, fostering collaboration, and expanding educational programs. We prioritize building strong relationships, promoting the credit union philosophy, and engaging with the next generation of leaders. Diversifying income streams, streamlining services, and engaging effectively with legislators are strategies we are actively exploring. We also place great importance on succession planning and talent development to ensure the future of the credit union movement.

In light of this shared vision and our combined efforts, we kindly request your continued membership and support. Your continued support, engagement, and feedback are invaluable to our mission. We thank you for your unwavering commitment to the credit union movement in Montana and look forward to another year of growth and shared success.


Gerry Singleton
Montana’s Credit Unions

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